Bloc & Roll

Wednesday 28 January 2009

The Tuna

Hello people!

I’m Alba, I’m 15 years old and I’m from Soria. I’m going to tell you a tradition for teens here.

The people that are in 4th grade, like me, three times a year on specific days we dress as what we call “tunas”, or minstrels. This consists of giving ribbons to people, usually your friends and close family members, and then they paint and decorate the ribbons before giving them back to you.

You collect the ribbons and you put them in a layer all together. The tradition is to have 10 ribbons on each “escarapela” that we have on our backs. They are like three flowers, but there are some people who have more. The first three are embroidered, and on each one we put a name; on the first one the name of your high school, on the second one your name and on the third one “Aupa la tuna”. After we have all our ribbons, we to sing around all the shops and to the people so they give us some money and with this, we all have a party and dinner together.

That is the best party for teens but you can’t do it until you are in year 4.

Alba Moreno



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