Bloc & Roll

Saturday 28 February 2009

The Fiestas of San Juan

Hi! My name is Paula and I´m going to talk you about Soria's Fiesta of San Juan.
They take six days:

Wednesday: “Miercoles el Pregón”
At night the fista of San Juan starts with an opening of the traditional fiesta, A speech is given by one of the twelve Jurymen (or Jurados)of the twelve different "Cuadrillas" (official special groups), one for each area of Soria. After the opening speech the "Peñas" (independent groups) dance to the Dehesa. Then in the different main squares of Soria several orchestras play music all night long.

Thursday: “Jueves la Saca”
You need to wake up early because you are going to visit Valonsadero to see the route that the bulls take from the mountain to the bull ring in Soria, this takes place at 12 o´clock. But all Soria goes there, so that is the main reason for waking up early. However when you are there you can have something to drink at the "Chiringuitos", or beer tents, while you listen to music, along with a lot of other people in Valonsadero. Then you need to get a good place if you want to see how the bulls run out to start the route. However, many people stand very near the bullpen. After this you can go to the "Descansadero", or resting place, to see the bulls
again. You eat quickly if you want to see them reaching the bull ring. In the afternoon some "Vaquillas" (heifers) are released in the bull ring. And at night the orchestras play again.

Friday: “Viernes de Toros”
In the morning six bulls are fought in the bull ring and in the afternoon another six. After each of the six bulls the "cuadrillas" parade along the "Collado". At night the orchestras play music again.

Saturday: “Sabado Agés”
The meat of the twelve bulls that were killed on Friday is auctioned by the "Cuadrillas". At night we can go to see the fireworks in the Dehesa, and after that dance to the orchestras again.

Sunday: “Domingo de Calderas”
Everyone goes to the Dehesa in the morning to see the different presentations of the bull's meat that is decorated by each `"Cuadrilla" and the name of this special decoration is "caldera". The people that parade
usually wear regional dress. Then the "peñas" parade too. At night the orchestras play too.

Monday: “Lunes de Bailas”
We go to San Saturio to eat there and everyone ends up completely wet because they jump in the river. There we eat, we listen to music and we dance. At night we return to Soria and we see the fireworks in the Dehesa. At three or four o´clock in the morning we hear the `Adios, adios San Juan´(bye, bye San Juan).



  • At 4 March 2009 at 04:03 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The fiestas of San Juan are the best thing in the whole year! I invite everyone to come to our little city and see it!I'm sure you will have a lot of fun.


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